John Akar

John Joseph Akar was a Sierra Leonean entertainer, writer, and diplomat, who served as Sierra Leonean ambassador to the United States. The first non-Creole to be appointed Director Of Broadcasting of the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Service, he is also known for composing the music of Sierra Leone’s National Anthem.
Happy Independence Day

To every Sierra Leonean out there, Happy Independence Day. May this day be a reminder to you that our destinies are always in our hands.
Our Journey to Freedom Goes Way Back

Salone’s past holds the key to its future. Learn about our past, and visit the landmarks and heritage sites that serve as a reminder. Visit the ruins of Old Fourah Bay College Visit St. John’s Maroon Church Visit the Sierra Leone National Railway Museum Visit the Sierra Leone National Museum Visit the Wharf Steps and […]
Time Portal. Lumley Beach.

Stretching from Aberdeen, on the northernmost part of the Freetown Peninsula, all the way to the estuary of the Lumley River, approximately 5 km south, Lumley Beach has always been a spot to let your hair down. #Tourismforall #IAmSalone #TourizmNaAllManBizness #SierraLeoneEconomicDiversificationProject #WorldBank #Allowmeforenjoymesef #ExploreFreedom #SaloneBigPassWiAll
MRC’s Administrative Head Participates in Cultural Unification Tour

20th April, 2024 The Culture Unification Tour organized by Black Excellence was an initiative to encourage and promote local tourism. Students from different universities and schools were part of the tour which started from Congo Cross to the National Museum. The Administrative Manager of Monument and Relics Commission, Ann-Marie Kamara used the event to […]