In Portrayal of Freetown as the Province of Freedom, MTCA, MRC Screen “Rough Crossings”


The Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, (MTCA) in collaboration with the Monuments and Relics Commission (MRC) and the National Museum, screened the movie “Rough Crossings” at the National Museum in Freetown on April 12th, 2024. The film portrays Freetown as the “Province of Freedom” due to its historical significance as a refuge for slaves during the 1700s.

The initiative was part of the Tourism for All Campaign’s Gateway to Freedom and Liberation month, this April. It aimed to familiarize Sierra Leoneans with the story of the Nova Scotians and the creation of Freetown, emphasizing the importance of understanding and preserving heritage.

Joseph Kaifala, Chairman of the Monuments and Relics Commission, stressed the significance of such stories in shaping Sierra Leonean identity and unity, particularly through the development of the Krio language. He expressed plans to introduce the initiative to schools to educate children about their heritage.

Viewers commended the screening for its educational value and clarity in understanding Freetown’s heritage. The event aligned with the Ministry’s vision of showcasing Sierra Leone’s rich heritage to the world.

Key attendees included Minister Nabeela Tunis, Chairman Joseph Kaifala, General Manager Fatmata Hamid Carew, Administrative Manager Ann-Marie Kamara, and various sector stakeholders.

*MTCA Communications*


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