👉The Team Lead for July’s “Environmental Awareness for Eco-Tourism Development” month in the Tourism for All Campaign, Tamba S. Bundor has in a presentation to staff of the Ministry and agencies explained the abstract of the Environmental Awareness for Eco-tourism month. The aim was to help staff understand the concept of the theme inorder to achieve the set targets in the Tourism for All Campaign.
The session was directed by Deputy Secretary, Sahr Philip Morsay. Deputy Director of Tourism, Idrissa Bangura and Deputy General Manager, NTB, Jeffery Moijweh made valuable inputs to the discourse coupled with notable feedbacks and suggestions from other staff members.

👉Senior Tourist Officers, Mohamed Barrie and Maligie Kamara embarked on the bi-weekly monitoring exercise of the ongoing development of Leicester Peak and Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary respectively. The exercise was to get first-hand knowledge regarding the level of work done and ensuring that the contractors stick to the design of the facilities. The project is supported by the World Bank Sierra Leone Economic Diversification Project (SLEDP).

👉Acting Senior Assistant Secretary, Fatmata Samura represented the Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Nabeela Tunis at “On the Spot” Season 3 Launch Event. The show was hosted by popular TV Presenter, Stella Bangura. She also attended the unveiling of PYYPL visa card app by Africell Mobile Company. The app was officially launched by Chief Minister, Dr. David Sengeh.

MTCA Communications


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