
Insay di Turizm Fɔ Ɔlman Kempin, Mach na di mɔnt fɔ Krio ɛn Inova. Ɛn Pangea na wan quintessential ɛgzampul fɔ wan ɔganayzeshɔn we de push di frɔnt fɔ kriaytiv ɛn inovashɔn na Siera Liɔn. Yu fɔ go na dis industrial pawa os we de kam na Siera Liɔn, kwik kwik wan pas fɔ go leta.

In the Tourism For All Campaign, March is the month to Create and Innovate. And Pangea is a quintessential example of an organization that is pushing the frontiers of creativity and innovation in Sierra Leone. You have to visit this upcoming industrial powerhouse in Sierra Leone, sooner rather than later.

Pangea is at 118 Wilkinson Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone.


+232 764 68 779


Image credit: @shoppangea1









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